Tuesday, September 16, 2014

BalaNce of EMOTionS

I am not sure why I would like to write on this. Perhaps lately I am playing with my own emotions? or maybe we, Malaysians have portrayed to the community across the globe that we are a caring nation especially when it involves the sad tragedy of MH17.. .. I can go on and on about this...

Actually, I called a friend this morning as I wanted to get some feedback on certain matters that involve my work. He was late in replying. Thinking that it was a public holiday I didnt want to harass him even though that would be my normal and exact reaction....

I was taken aback when he replied.. sorry for the late reply, I am in the hospital. Dah... apa plak kena ngan mamat ni.. I texted him and out of courtesy asked whether or not he is ok. His reply was... 'It was my father... he is in CCU. Now being stabilized. Tq for asking". At a sudden I am speechless but I was glad that I asked. At least a small tiny weight of burden has been uplifted from his shoulder... How do I know? Well.. I have been in that situation before. A simple 'how are you" made my day!! Seriously that would spark a little motivational inside me and I could chin up a bit. Nithi.. I hope your dad will be okay. Just hang on there!

When you are in that kinda situation.. you wouldnt want to shatter your confidence and you are actually absorbing all the vibes around you be it positive and negative. Your emotions are fragile and a small misunderstanding may lead to an unnecessary arguments. That was why when my brothers and I were in that situation we would talked on anything else except the predicament that we were facing at that time. Relatives and friends should play a significant role not to provoke or invoke any matter or issue that would lead to dissatisfaction. In our situation, there were couple of relatives who were so POYO and passed unacceptable remarks. But luckily we were always together (my brothers and myself) and we were sending positive vibes among ourselves via our conversations and observations. It was telepheutic I guess.

See its not easy to balance our emotions. We have to be alert... not to give in to our emotions. Well... it is okay to cry and cry out loud... this is another means of releasing the tense inside you... the frightening moments... the unsure feelings.... But we could not keep on mourning and be saddened with what happened without giving ourselves chances to look up and see things differently. There is always blessings in disguise. Ada hikmah ke atas setiap yang berlaku ke atas kita semua. Agree with me?

So we can actually balance and control our emotions. Emotions are natural. Emotions mean no harm. But manage our emotions...

What I normally did when I was hit by en emotional storm ... first avoid myself from the social media platform as perhaps I have this tendency to pen down my frustrations, sorrow etc. If  I were to update my status negatively, I am exposing my emotions to others. What if people interpret things differently?

Rambut aje sama hitam, tapi dalam hati.. Subhanallah hanya Allah yang mengetahui.  When misinterpretation was done and not being rectified.. there will of coz be perhaps commotion, people got hurt etc..
We never know...

So, this is where I release what's inside me.... my hardship... my frustration... my jubilation..my experience... in a positive way. Here is the station and the full stop... until one FINE day I will come and revisit the moments documented herein.. i will be a satisfied person that I have control my emotions in a sober manner. Becoz at the end of the day, it teaches you to see things differently and positively.

So long !

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