Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If I could turn back the clock

Seronok tengok gambar budak2 ni.. They have really nothing to worry about. What's in their head/mind is play... enjoy....
How I wish if I could turn back the clock and jadi bebudak balik... Macam-macam boleh buat.
Ni gambar Amir ngan Mohamad kat Melaka. Diorang ni kalau jumpa siap berpeluk-peluk. 2 minutes after that someone will push the other one. Someone will cry. And unfortunately most of the time Amir yang nangis. Maybe he is a bit manja... Biasala tu. Dulu masa Amir kecik, I used to tell my husband rasa macam tak sabar nak tunggu Amir pandai jalan. Once dia dah dapat kaki, fullamak... letih ya amat nak mengejar dia berlari. But watching him sekarang ni rasa macam cepat sangat dia membesar. Sekarang ni pulak kalau berjalan, tak nak langsung pegang tangan. When we were at Cherating, he refused to hold my hands and ran towards the main road. Nasib baik takder kereta... But that's Amir.... Apa2 pun I enjoyed every moments of him.. walaupun ada kalanya some of that moment buat I derita... kah kah kah....

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