Friday, October 30, 2009

CTM vs Footloose ... & We Will Rock You...

Dua kali pergi IB baru dapat beli tiket Cuci2 The Musical (CTM). The first time we went, the line was offline... The second time we went, the queue was long. I told Jiji "orang yang beratur depan kita ni macam Adibah Nor aje". Jiji gelak ... "Yelah tu"... Tak puas hati, saya ke depan sikit and glanced at that person. "Ye la Ji.. Adibah Nor"... :) Pelik gak naper dia beli tiket

CTM was the second Malay theatre that I watched. The first was "Si Tenggang" staged at DBKL Hall... maybe 10 -12 years back.... The heroin was Ramlah Ram... hehehe... Masa gi London, ada gak watched theatre - 1- Footloose and 2- We Will Rock You. Memang la gempak tengok yang kat London ni... and memang berbaloi. Tapi bila convert pounds to Malaysian Ringgit, memang beratus la duit abis... But it was the experience that counts right?

CTM was really good. Thumbs up and pat to the shoulders to all involved especially the main casts. I like the roles played by Awie and Adibah Nor. Tak sangka Awie boleh berlakon teater. Disebabkan we all duduk kat the second row, memang la teramat dekat dengan stage and can see very the clear one... Meremang bulu roma bila dengar suara Awie. Frankly memang puas hati... tak rugi spent the nite with my crazy colleagues like Jiji, Kama, Sally and hubby and En Raman. ... memang I poyo bak kata Kama... hahahaha...

CTM finished dalam kul 12.00 malam. Memang abis ajer terus blah... Disebabkan kepoyoan yang terlampau memang satu gambar pun takder..... Dalam kete hubby called " You tido kat IB ke malam ni"... jokingly... I drove home with a big smile.
Hope to do this more often....

Criminalise War

This is indeed the 'one of a kind' exhibition and conference that I've ever attended before.
The word 'war' carried the meanings of death, suffering, torture, loss ....

Held in PWTC, the reason why I would want to attend this conference on the first place is to listen to Tun Mahathir's keynote during the launching ceremony. Not more than that. Before the keynote was addressed, there was a 'play' staged by Iraqi kids whose parents have sought refuge in Malaysia. The 'play' was on - one sunny day they were playing with their friends when suddenly their homes were ambushed ...all of them except one small boy escaped uninjured.

(At this moment, dah tak tertahan air mata... I knew that the person who sat beside me was also crying...). It was a horrifying experience... tak boleh nak dibayangkan if this happen to us, our family.. especially our own kids...

Tun's speech was very inspiring.... I wonder who did the speech for him or maybe he did on his own.. Before we proceeded to lunch, we entered the exhibition hall that showcased the methods used to torture the prisoners in the famous Guantanamo and Abu Gharib detain prisons.

These are some pictures of the torture methods ....

Pics taken from More pics can be viewed at this url.

The following day I went again ... The topic discussed was interesting - War and the Mass Media. Among the 'supposed to be' panelists were YB Dato Seri Utama Rais Yatim, Mr Sami Al Hajj - a Sudanese journalist for Al Jazeera network. He was detained as 'enemy cobatant' at the Guantanamo Bay. Detained in 2001 and released in 2008. Mr Sami delivered his bits in Arabic and was perfectly and proficiently translated by a person named Mr Moazzam Begg. The Merdeka Hall was heated by questions from the audience. Towards the end I gotto know that Mr Begg was one of the detainees also held in Guantanamo Bay. He is one of nine British citizens imprisoned for a crime he didnt commit. He is now the Director of Cage Prisoners and currently work closely with leading human rights organizations.

To those who are strong ... come and see at your very own eyes the torture chamber .... The exhibition ends this Saturday, 31 Oct 2009. The initiatives of the Conference are:

- to stop the slaughter of innocents
- to stop profiteers earning blood money
- to stop the mass media from glorifying war
- to stop the manufacture of weapons.

"How can we claim to be civilised when we condone and legalise mass killings of men,
women and children, the old and the sick as a solution to conflicts between nations"
- Tun Mahathir -.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

You Paint My Life

Nearly half of the day today was spent with the orphans from Yayasan Harapan Kanak2 and Home of Hope AlKhadeem. There were around 60 of them. Everyone is into 1Malaysia now... That's the beauty of multi racial society. We had them all under one roof today! I told my team, Kama and En Ramon, today is our CSR day. En Ramon could't hide his excitement... he was early today!

Anyways, do you paint or have you ever done any painting before? Nope, not me... but I've always wanted to have that kinda 'skill'. Not gifted and busy all the time... I never tried hard to discover as to whether I can really paint. Today, at our Training Centre, we had an Art Painting Competition. Its actually a project that we are currently working on - to choose 12 best paintings as part of our 2010 Calendar. Something different from previous years.

Frankly, I was actually stunned with the ability of the kids (mostly around 8 - 15 of age) to paint. They sketched their ideas, transfered onto the canvas and started the arcrylic painting. Looks easy ... Some of coz were lost since they couldn't imagine or relate themselves with B**. The resident artist, En Ali Akbar was very supportive and accommodative.

Finally, 2 hours after that, the kids completed their tasks. Boss and our team shortlisted around 24 paintings out of 60. Viewing the paintings, I could say that the kids have done well... the 'cute' factor is there when you deal with kids right?

These are some paintings and scenes captured during the competition. Bravo everyone! To Suki and the team, " We've made it ... and hopefully we can settle the rest within time".

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Story of a belacan trader

It was reported in Metro today that a makcik from Dungun, Terengganu was sued and finally fined RM600 for 'selling' belacan yang kurang protein. Menurut laporan, kandungan protein dalam belacan yang dijual adalah kurang 25%. The makcik, aged 56 admitted that she didn't aware of such a regulation - Menurut Peraturan 163 (2) (a) (ii) Peraturan Makanan 1985- belacan perlu mengandungi tidak kurang 25% protein.

My reaction? Kesian makcik tu. All this while she has been selling the same kind of belacan and getting the supply of belacan from the same supplier without knowing that there exist such a regulation/provision concerning protein in belacan!. It may sound funny but I really pittied her. I saw her in TV yesterday in court. She looked 'blank' and in the state of confused. It was reported that she has been selling belacan for 5 years and never encountered such an 'incident'.

"Meskipun akur dengan keputusan Mahkamah dan membayar denda, R****i akan terus menjual belacan berkenaan kerana menjadi sumber pendapatan keluarganya".

My question - no doubt this makcik has breached the regulation/provision but she is merely one of the many petty traders... to ensure they meet their ends. What about those big sharks who would have long list of committed offence but are still 'free' and live happily ever after...

Kesian makcik tu....

Syndrome Bisu

This syndrome is not new to us. Every now and then it happened ... sometimes at the office with our colleagues.. sometimes with our parents ... and maybe most of the times with our partners!

Frankly, whenever I'm in such a situation, I feel uneasy, awkward and uncomfortable... especially when you know that you are the so called 'victim' and not in fault. Usually I will try my best to start any conversation as long as the person in that syndrome will start communicating... if it happens to my other half... I will try to make him talk to me... and if it happens to my parents, usually I will treat them dinner... rasuah ...rasuah ....

To me its okay la kalau parents I yang in that 'mode'. Being warga tua.. I understand that they are 'prone' to be so sensitive ... and maybe bila kita dah di classified as 'warga tua' we'll act the same way... hehe (jangan marah ha mak and abah).

Lucky me as I'm surrounded with crazy lunatic colleagues who will make me laugh ... even though the syndrome is becoming 'regular' nowadays.... sighhhhhhhhhhhhh..............

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mesra Gemuk... hahaha

This article was published in today's Kosmo.
It's an indication indeed!
Have to go aerobics today maa...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ini kereta penyelia Ariffin

Last week I spent a lot on parking fees. When Syawal is at the end of the corner, ramai yang buat open house. That was not inclusive of the TE to all those venues and eating places... but its considered as official ye... 'Socialising' is one of our tasks.

I still remember when I was still schooling (perhaps more than 20 years ago ... (how time flies!) my mum used to drive me to school - Convent Sentul. Kebetulan, my mum was also teaching in the same school. So every evening, it was a 'ritual' to first fetched my dad before drove back to Kajang. My dad was a former parking superintendent with the City Hall. Dulu mana ada the machines where we insert coins to pay the parking fees. So my dad had his own task force who did the rounds and write the parking tickets.

There were times when my parents left me in the car alone.... and usually the car was parked not within the 'designated parking area'. What my dad did was placed a note that read "Ini kereta penyelia Ariffin"... So whenever a parking attendant did his round, he would just stared at the 'notice' placed on the wind screen and left without leaving any ticket. No one dared to ask me who would most probably at that time tengah tido kat dalam kereta... hahahha. Serious, even the City Hall or police traffic tak saman or fine my dad's car...

But that was way back before..... Sekarang ni dah tak laku dah.... I wonder if my dad still remember this...


This morning, while having 'cekodok pisang' for breakfast, Kama came and told us that he wanted to control his diet. The weighing scale showed 'tuuut' kg when he weighed himself yesterday.

What a coincident! While driving to the office this morning HotFM discussed the same topic as TM commented on Malaysia's citizen ... mostly obese and facing heart problems! The Deejays also mentioned that TM is very concern on his diet and never weigh more than 60kg! Haiya! aku ni dah berlebih kg da ni!!!...

Well I think somehow rather its true. Maybe our life style and the food that we consume everyday has 'done' something to us... (try to blame the food plak!) Frankly, maybe we don't have that ample time to get our body and muscle exercised... Sampai umah pun (kalau balik sharp 5.30 pm) dah maghrib. Malam is the only time, I think we career mothers nak entertain the sons and the daughters as well as our other halves. Weekend plak, sometimes nak balik kampung to jenguk the inlaws (ini contoh menantu yang baik!). Kena la equal kan!

But, I admit whether or not we have ample time to exercise would depend on us. Currently I have just joined the aerobics classes. Baru satu kali join. The next day bila nak pergi, my son pulak demam... So there are some 'occassions' and 'incidents' that sometimes hinder us from doing exercises.... I have also stopped my zazen for a while.. Tak tau bila nak sambung balik.

At the office, I heard Kama and Mr Ramon are planning to jog every Friday evening. See la whether or not the plan will be materialised. Kama is still in denial stage... sampai sanggup consider the weighing scale rosak.... hahaha..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Buying another house?

Lately I have been contemplating whether or not to 'buy' another house...
Not that far though... next to the current house... hahah... Ed, my brother is planning to move out and sell his house. Yesterday Jue, my SIL was asking me 'jadi ke nak beli umah kitorang?'... I told her 'tanya Bos'... while looking at hubby.

When we first purchased the current house, we didnt know that our neighbour would be my own brother. Ed moved in 3 months earlier. Masa memula nak pindah, hubby dah buat renovation skit kat belakang. I got the kitchen that I wanted... even though ruang tak berapa luas. I told myself... bukannya selalu masak pun... Knowing my hubby yang cerewet dengan the finishing of the house, I gave a nod when he wanted to repaint the whole house. The porch was extended and tiles pun dia tukar. Lagipun... it was his money ... hahahaha...

I think the house is okay. Mula2 only two of us. Rasa macam besar sangat. Then when Amir came into our lives and of coz masa tu ada maid, rasa macam takder privacy. when the whole family come to our house, macam tak cukup ruang nak duduk.

Then suddenly Ed said he wanted to sell the house and build another house near to parent's house. I once told my brothers before that one of them kena la sacrifice buat umah kat umah our parents. Reason being, my parent's current house is 'nestled' kat atas bukit and a bit isolated. Only 3 of them ada kat umah. Bila malam memang la sunyi. So if one of them ada kat area tu, of coz my parents would be glad as someone is 'looking after' them.

We are still calculating, weighing the pro and cons... to purchase Ed's house. A lot of things to consider .... the monthly instalment (the most important thing !!), renovation (again!... I couldn't stand the dust, kelam kabut, etc...) Umah besar2... tapi tinggal 3 orang ajer...
Can't decide now... Kena tengok ramalan kaji cuaca dulu .... To me, if hubby say yes...then we will go ahead. After all I know that most of the pennies are from his own pocket!


Nope this is not about the movie Papadom la...

Many things happened last week. It started with B**'s Open House. Not that interesting and exciting compared to last year's. Was quite disappointed with the media. The registration sheet was full but during the PC, beberapa kerat ajer yang muncul. As usual Iw** from SH tried his level best to scout for some news. No wonder he is promoted as the Head!. But the most unpredictable thing happened! Mr R, our professional and dedicated photographer gagal untuk menyelamatkan momen2 yang dirakamkan pada hari itu. "Technical error" he said... without any reaction of regret. Yang pelik gambar 'Best 2' dapat diselamatkan! Had to contact some of the reporters for some pix for our record and Buletin this month... The following day, Mr R went on leave! Sungguh shahdu sekali!!!

Then I had to attend Puspanita MOF Open House the next morning. As usual, the poco2 team put Sue and me in hot soup. The BNM's ppl kept on asking ... since they did not reach MOF on time... Had to leave earlier since JKK was also organizing its Open House. Before I left, met Kak Rok... former PA to MK2, Dato Seri Husni....
Sampai kat kete... daripada jauh da nampak .... kena saman siut tol! Tak pasal2 ajer ....
Sampai JKK, colleagues sumer tengah makan. FOod memang banyak. Tak lalu rasanya nak makan ... Penat semalam tak hilang lagi...

After JKK's, had to leave for Yayasan Harapan Kanak2 Event. DOnated RM50K to the Yayasan. However, the coverage was not to our expectation. Met Datul Atikah Adom. I wonder if she is still in B**, macamana lah agaknya our dept and of coz Puspanita. Some ppl said 'mesti gempak'... Ehem... dapat pegang hand bag dia pun jadik la... kot-kot melekat plak !!!!

Then we had this NSTP's Open House. The arrangement and setting was cozy ... Yelah buat kat hotel .... Bilalah B** boleh buat Open House cam ni.... haha... That nite, Iread my mail. There was an email from CE4.... Very professionally written but can sense the ' warning'. Ok Noted!.

Again on Friday had to attend a meeting at MOF on the Deputy Finance Minister's visit to Kelantan. After the meeting, 3 of us (Boss, sally and myself) had a 'discussion'. A 'good' and 'fruitful' one!. Thanks to both of them. I haven't had such a discussion for more than 10 years!.

However, after the discussion, Boss got a message! About work... something didnt reach to the desks of CE1, CE2, CE3 that made CE4 in deep trouble. BOss had to 'mengadap' and came to my small desk with what I normally call 'muka ketat'. I didn't want to say anything actually... it is beyond my 'control and my supervision'. I know and am aware that sometimes, we have to do something that we do not like to do... but once it is classified as a 'responsibility' that's it... there's no turning back. You are obliged to do.

Yesterday , the whole family went to cousin's wedding reception. Lepas wedding recept, pergi open house... my next door neighbour invited us .. then at 5pm went to another neighbour's (opposite our house) open house. Last sekali went to another open house ...neighbour jugak. Looks like yeaterday was an interactive / community day for hubby and myself. Once a year this is the only time we, neighbours met, had a chit chat and know each other better.

Pheww... what a week! But I like Papadom the most !!! hahahah... Poyo!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Is it too much to ask?

I was surprised when I was told that CE3 wanted to donate RM50K to YHKM. Yeah I know it is not my money but I think YHKM is a reputable NGO... under the patronage of the First Lady... Told Boss that I would prefer if that kind of money is to be given to other NGOs and associations.. I believe these NGOs and associations need more than YHKM...

Hearsay - when we 'donate' RM50K, CE1 will be on stage together with the First Lady... a significant mileage ... I told myself..

Actual Day - The First Lady was in hurry to join her beloved hubby ... extending moral support during the U**O assembly. So, there goes the mileage... Only one session of Photo Op.. together with the kids and other sponsors. Gotto know that B*TA sponsored 250 pairs of shoes, another company sponsored 1000 units of stationaries.. they got to be on stage too... hmmhhh the mileage was the same..

We were hoping that the media would do something the next day... However, none of the media reports on the 'event'... What a waste...

Its true that to certain extend, publicity is not the 'main thing' but after spending that kind of money, we would like to 'see' the 'outcome' ...

Is it too much to ask?