Saturday, June 5, 2010

God, I need your protection...

I was a bit disturbed yesterday night....

Yesterday morning  I've attended a talk on how to avoid yourself from being sexually and emotionally hurt by man. Well I admit that not all man are those I have mentioned. But when the opportunity is there, coupled with evil whispers, you will never know.

It was an interesting talk. Very interesting and informative I could say..

Some tips, advices and self defence acts were shown and given to the audience. Some pics and stories narrated during the talk were very touching. Through out the talk I had so many feelings ... angry with what happened to some women, the abducted girls, sexually and mentally tortured school girls, sad as I could feel the grievances faced by the victims and their close families... and to some extend I must be frank that I don't even know whether I could trust other people ...

But frankly, I was disturbed thinking of parents and Oya at home. How fast could I run and  come with a rescue if anything happen to them..What if the parts and pieces of the slides shown to me yesterday happened to my own blood... I could hardly sleep...

It can happen to anyone ...
So we have to be prepared.
God, please protect my whole family from any kind of evil of mankind ....
We need your blessings!


  1. kak long, nie captain k bala ker??arituh ada talk kat opis kiterorg pesal city survival program...sangat bagus....-farah cute

  2. Yup by Capt Bala...
    Memang bagus...
    After the talk, I did convey the message and some techniques taught to some ppl.. as a matter of CARE.
    At least some of us know how to react when unpredictable incidents were to happen..
    Good to know that you attended this talk!


Sharing your thoughts anyone?