Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm still in LOVE!

The bonds of matrimony are like any other bonds - they mature slowly.
I've known him for 13 solid years.
Still ... I think it is insufficient to understand the real him..
Both of us know that we have sacrificed a lot for each other.
Indeed those 'sacrifices' were not openly discussed .....
There were moments when we left each other alone...
There were times when we hold each other close ....
All for only one good reason ...
To ensure the institution that we build will stand still.
But what is the 'institution' without love, care and understanding...

To my beloved hubby "Our wedding was many years ago. The celebration continues to this day. Happy Anniversary.


  1. Happy anniversary sis... May you guys live happily ever after .. with naughty Amir beside you always ..

  2. Thanks bro!. I do pray that I have the will, patience and passion of coz... to go thru this.....

    I guess naughty Amir is the sweetest part among all... :)

  3. hmm so wishes to you both on ur anniversary...ade makan2 ka???heeee

  4. Haiyooo....susah la blog u ni tak diupdate kat blog I...anyway, happy belated anniversary! Here's to many many more 'action' for years to come! ;)

  5. Fara- Thanks sis for the wishes... hmmm takder la makan-makan tu...hehehe

    Mindblogger - dunno why la my blog is not updated (real time) in your blog... Anyway.. thanks la...yeah many more 'actions' to come..
    Must be of the good service... tapi tak boleh nak show off thru the car I'm driving everyday... kancil = bad service, waja= ok ok la..and Mercedez - diva! hahaha
    But spectra does not represent 'stagnant' ... wakaka!

  6. اهمية النظافة في حياتنا
    الانسان بفطرته التي خلقه الله عليه دائما ما يبحث عن النظافة في كل مكان اينما رحل واينما تواجد فهوا دائما يبحث عنها وحيث يترتب على النظافة بشكل عام الامور النفسية المستقرة
    كل تلك المشاكل حلها الوحيد عند شركة تنظيف بالاحساء البعد كل البعد عن الامراض التي تجلبها الحشرات التي تتواجد من الاهمال في النظافه
    والاوبئة والفيروسات والتي دائما نريد الابتعاد عنها ,كما ان الانسان كلما كان نظيفا فهذا يدل على وضعه ومكانته والبيئة المتواجد بها والنظافة في كل بلد وكل مدينة وكل دوله هي المنظر الحضاري الجميل الزي يأخز عنها .


Sharing your thoughts anyone?