I was born in KL.. whereabout? According to my father, the existing PWTC was known to be the Camp of Senoi Praaq. My father was the camp commandant. Believe it or not my 'uri' was burried under the building .... in the heart of PWTC.... I wonder if I can claim this from UMNO....

The first colored photo masa tu... From left Azmin (my late brother, Busu Nana, myself and Azwa).

Some of these pics were taken at my late grandma's house at Sg Tua. My grandma passed away 4 years back. So now the house jarang dijenguk as she has inherited the house to her adopted son and not to my father , his legitimate biological only son... sob sob sob
These pics were taken when I was at International Islamic University, PJ.
I was quite active... Played basket ball, canoeing with Zulai ( recently I was in contact with Zulai ... Thanks to FB! after more than 10 years lose contact)

When we left IIU, our first gang trip was to Langkawi. Went for island hopping but were 'stopped' by the Marine kat tengah laut ... sebab naik boat tak pakai life jacket. Knowing that all of us were lawyers, the officer then released us with a very good advice... :)

My leg was once fractured... Ni dia gambar nya! I actually felt down from the stair case but until now my mum thought the accident was from playing badminton! Best dapat duduk rumah sebulan...

Ni masa joined Komando team... masuk utan.. What an experience!

I had double graduation: First when I finished my LLB (Hons) in 1990.
The second graduation was when I was called to the Bar as an advocate and solicitor a.k.a lawyer. My biography was read in the court. I saw my parents wept... huhuuuu sedih plak rasanya.

After 'called to the Bar', I practised as a lawyer for about 8 years...

Ni masa my big day...
Orang kata I macam Sharifah Aini. Have a look... Amacam? Ada tak cam Kak Pah... hahahah...

I am still here... going strong...
I felt that some how or rather the difficulties and challenges that I faced from time to time have defeated some weakness in me and developed my strength...
After all that's what life is all about!
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