On the same day we had this talk on aura seri. I didn't listen much as I was assigned to be the 'photographer' of the day.
These were some moments snapped during the mini carnival:
Cun melecun yang bagi talk on aura seri ni...
Tak berkelip mata nengok dia...
Jiji and her crocs. Dengar citer banyak yang beli... Ramai jugak yang frust sebab takde size.
Pus's booth on kurma. This saddened me... Looks like the kurma tak mendapat sambutan sehangat yang lain ....
Kuih raya..
Bumbu untuk buat nasi goreng dan macam2 lagi...
Ni khas buat wanita2 yang 'rajin' seperti saya ....
Overall, everything went well. Even though it was just for fun .... apa yang penting 'masyuk' ..... well done ladies!
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