The DO, Gallong ak Luang then took his turn in delivering speech. To get his message right, he spoke in Iban dialect; commonly understood by the community in Song. More or less the gist of the speech is to call the community in Song to fully support B**. The existence of B** in Song is well accepted and applauded by the community. He even promoted the SSP and other products as well.
After lunch, I had the opportunity to approach one of warga Song. I had the urge to know how do they feel and how was the reception towards B** opening a branch in Song.
This is Noriene Sameon, Jururawat Bertauliah and currently working at Klinik Kesihatan Song. Berketurunan Iban dan 7 jenerasi keluarganya telah menganut Islam.
Talking to her, I concluded that she appreciates the effort undertaken by B** to set up and open a branch. B** adalah satu-satunya bank di Song. Semenjak B** beroperasi, Noriene tidak lagi menaiki bot yang kosnya RM24 (pergi sahaja) untuk ke Kapit bagi melakukan transaksi perbankan. "Jimat masa dan jimat kos" katanya.
When asked what did she hope for Song community. Her short and confident answer was "kalau boleh kami mahu jalanraya dibina di tempat kami". She has been working in a clinic that has limited medical equipments. Whenever there is an emergency, they have to take an hour boat ride to reach Kanowit (if its at night the journey will be longer). From Kanowit they will drive to Sibu, which is about an hour journey. I can 'see' the importance of 'jalanraya' to people at Song.
Closer to home, I approached B**'s Polis Bantuan who has been stationed at Song for about 4 months (from its first operation in April till 21 August 2009). Hardynata is not local and he is from Sibu. According to him he has been doing the same routine for about 4 months now. Giving a room on the 2nd floor of the branch building, he and the rest (around 4 of them (the staff - male) start their day at 8.00 am at the branch. Start working, lunch and finished around 6pm. At 7pm they will go to the library (the one and only) to catch up on news, what's happening around the world, celebrity gossips etc.. At 8pm they will have dinner (most of the time in the room). That's it!
When he first came, he didnt know what to do! Now, it seems that he can manage his 'life' in Song better. I wonder how would I react if I were to be stationed in Song. To me this is survival. You need to have the courage. I salute him for having one!
This is the District Officer. A man with vision to bring development for people in Song. According to him under the federal budget, the allocation for 'jalanraya' for Song is NIL. Then I got the clue. That was the reason why the DO, the MP and ppl in Song really looking ahead for M**'s presence. This is the main issue that they want to highlight.
This was my 3rd time travel to Song. I have seen the place, the people, the food, the environment and their life. My insight said that they have been 'neglected' and their rights have been unintentionally 'deprived'. I could see the students travel to schools by small boat. Seeing the boat, I wont ever let my children (if I were the parent) go to school with the 'unconvincing condition' of the boat. They have no choice but they are happy...
How I wish if Song can be a place to 'heal' those ppl who do not know how to appreciate freedom and development....
How I wish the relevant leaders can spend their precious time to be here with the people, 'see and feel' their struggles and endless efforts to stay 'alife'...
How I wish this is not the price of development paid to some community like people in Song
How I wish ..... and how I wish .....
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