Monday, December 14, 2009

... and you call this a DISASTER

It was 11.40 pm when I received a call from MJ, my Boss. It was a call to be at the Learning Centre. A gentle reminder from MJ - to attend the midnight meeting at 12.00 am for the CMT to declare the disaster and proceed with BCP.

I could barely opened my eyes. Made a point to sms Eddy. My message was simple - CAll Tree activated. This is a simulaton. Less than minutes after that I received another message. It was MJ - requesting me to inform Jay. Obviously Jay is not picking up his phone.

Finally, I got up at 3.00 am and smsed Jay as well as Kama to be at Bangi at 4.00 am. We met at the Guard House and proceed to PKB. Saw Mr Goh and handed over the Notices to Stakeholders. It was 'cheating' actually. I got to know the scenario of the simulation and prepared before hand. Well, at least this could save me time to print at PKB. It takes me less than 10 minutes to draft the notices but it was a long queue if you were to print. I guess the CMT should take into consideration the fact that printer is also considered as a main requirement during this exercise.

It was 5.30 am when the CMT had a second meeting. I joined the meeting .. and what a relief the systems were successfully restored at PKB and they need another half an hour to fall back the system at the HQ and the main state branches.

At this point, KAma was already fallen asleep. I understood that he was from SabakBernam and reached KL around 11.00 pm. It was lucky me when Pn Azian suddenly instructed us to disperse. It was then merely a technical conversion. Overall the simulation was a success.

I went back home at 6.10 am after smsing MJ that Pn Azian had endorsed the completion of the simulation exercise. Arriving home, I saw Amir running towards the door... He must be looking for me..
I continued my sleep....

Believe it or not at 1.00 pm plus the next morning, I got a call from En Rahmat- the last person on the Call Tree list... He is supposed to report to the Learning Centre @ Alternate Site that he got the message. ... (unfortunately he said that he lost the number !!!) But that was after 13 hours the Call Tree was activated! If this were to be a real Disaster... En Rahmat, you are fired!


  1. Haa..I tak dapat pun sms ni.. kira dah fail call tree ni... :)
    Anyway, I think your definition of a disaster is - broadband yang tak function sebab tak bayar bil.. hahaha

  2. Ji you tak dapat sms ni sebab memang MJ ngan I decided not to send to you... kalau tak you even have to attend the CMT Mtg to replace MJ :)

    Yeah.. to certain extend it was my DISASTER ... due to 'disfunction' of my broadband!


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