Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Love U just the way U are.

For 2 days I (and few other) was 'educated' at our training centre in Bangi - for the Potential Leadership Program. This is just the beginning... Why I said 'educated' - all this while my mind was focusing on delivering tasks given. Like it or not the objective is to get things done..of coz within the specific period of time.
But this time round, i focused more on how to accept ppl just the way they are.

It was interesting to learn about ppl and of coz yourself. All this while perhaps or maybe almost all the time, I questioned some ppl's action without taking into consideration their personalities.

Now I know why my dad was once a pure choleric can be phlegmatic too....
and why my other half was once sanguine can change to melancholic...
Life is so beautiful..

Learning how to understand people is at times 'tiring'. But when we know their strength, we are able to effectively communicate with them....(with similar hope that other ppl will try to understand me too ... wink...wink...hehheeh)

I think i absorbed a lot during the program. Even though a bit tired and most of the times worried on the tasks left unattended at the office, still it was a fruitful and meaningful way of education.

Upon arriving home, I was greeted by  my lil' Amir. He took my stuff and 'forced' me to sit on the sofa. Within seconds he came back to me and handed over a glass of water. "Mak minum dulu ye"... he said with a smile..

I was touched.. (even when I was at his age (5 yrs) , I've never thought of doing the same thing to my parents!!).
Son, whether you are a sanguine, choleric, melancholic or phlegmatic, I LOVE U JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!  You Made My Day!!

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