Saturday, November 5, 2011

I found PEACE here

Labbaik Allah humma labbaik
Labbaik la sharika laka labbaik
Innal hamda
Laka walmulk
Laa sharika lak

It was 2005 when I was given the blessings to be part of those jamaah performing their Umrah..... an experience that I will never ever forget for the rest of my life. Frankly, I was at first not confident of myself. I had this fear ... fear of what would happen to me ... for some foolish things and actions..spoken or unspoken which I have done all those years...

My thoughts were lingering to the stories that I read everywhere ..on some people who were not themselves when they were at Mecca.... who were not able to perform any of the rukun...

But i must be crazy if I were to dismiss this golden opportunity offered to me. Together with parents and Oya (who was around 11 years old) we headed to Medina - the first point of the rukun.

I found Medina to be a very 'calm' place. ...We spent 2 nights and proceeded to Mecca - the moment that I waited with greatest fear inside me...

Medina - a photo that I managed to snap from my room.

I didnt realize that I wept before we left for Mecca...

All the way from Medina to Mecca (I totally forgot the duration of the journey) all jamaah was reciting the above verse. Our Mutawif was a young Indonesian guy. His Arabic was perfect. Since I learned Arabic during secondary school, I understood his conversation well. But I had a hard time to fluently communicate in that language.  Anyways I managed to assist those jamaah from Malaysia who had a tough time asking and seeking direction for toilets, mosque and etc. I did my bits - spoke in Arabic and asked the way... A pat on my back!!!

The moment I reached Mecca, I was as if playing hide and seek... peeping from far how does the Kaabah looks like. But the moment I saw the huge Kaabah with so many people of different colors, heights and countries surrounding, it was the most beautiful and quiet moment that I had in my life. All of a sudden, I felt so experience I couldn't express in words... Guess we have to be there and experience it our own..

Some pics taken. I almost forgot the name of the places. But we went to Bukit Uhud, Jabal Rahmah, Arafah and Taif.

HIra' Cave - The place where our Prophet hide himself ....
Bukit Uhud .... where Uhud War took place
Jabal Rahmah... They said if you are not married, Insyallah, you will find your soul mate... (unfortunately I was and still a wife to my beloved hubby :))
At Taif ... the coolest place in Mecca.
Outside the mosque in Mecca. I was caught by the police for snapping some pics. But managed to escape....:)
Medina... still missing this place...

On our way back, we stopped at Jeddah and visited the Mosque where they implement hudud punishment. Since it was not Friday, we missed the scene. I bet I am not that brave to watch the punishment anyway.

I wonder when I will be given the privilege to be one of the guests again here....
Managed to perform almost all prayers daily in the mosque. Did pray hard for myself and hubby and for the rest of my loved ones at prominent mustajab places ...

Now after 6 years, I can still smell the streets in Medina and Mecca, my bare hands can still feel the texture of Hajarul Aswad ... and I still have the endless hope to be there and reunite with all the experience left ...
Now after 6 years, I think I am a better person. I watched how some people changed for good...
What more... I have my lil Amir - HE answered my prayers well...
....and Happy Eid Adha to everyone!

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