Kama said this hotel is the best in SBW.... Still .... tak bole tido...Boss is asleep ... tightly. Must be very tired answering calls, explaining to people what happened early today. Yeah .. yeah I am still not satisfied ... Surfed the no. 1 carrier's website. Just now at 5.45 spoke to KG at the office. We need to change our flight. Need to go back Friday morning instead of Friday night. At least I have time to get things prepared for Sahur on Saturday. Yes.. we will start fasting this Saturday. From the website I gotto know that all tickets were sold out for flights on Friday morning. Looks like we have to be here as originally planned.
Tomorrow we will travel to Song. This would be the first time for Kama and En Raman. I told them even though the event has been cancelled, its wise for them to have a 'look' at Song, its area, ppl, the bank (the one and only) and the most important thing the preparation done for the event.
Guess with a visit from 4 of us, the ppl in cawangan won't be that terkilan la. So we are actually the representatives from the management. At least the ppl feel that they are appreciated and what they have done since last 2 weeks will be 'emotionally compensated'.
Kama is worried if he over slept tomorrow. I convinced him he can continue his sleep in the boat. We will be at the wharf and embark the 8.30 boat/ferry to Song. Hmmhhh half of the day tomorrow will be at Song and the journey to/from Sbw - Song - Sbw. Well... this is what has been planned. Just follow the flow...
Whatever it is I've bought Amir the Optimus - Transformers..DVD - The Ultimate Kid Games, Ultraman Gaia 8 in 1 collection and Upin & Ipin Episode 1-6. Hopefully these will keep him occupied and give me ways to watch news, movies and disc. channels from Astro....
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