Monday, March 26, 2012

ME? Pretentious?

It's 10/15pm. She is still awake...watching Seniman Bujang Lapuk.....At least that occupies her for this moment. Had her first radiotheraphy treatment today. As alarmed by the Doc, she could feel the burning sensation at the affected area - due to the rays from the radiation. I just hope that she will keep her mind focus and remain positive ... She has to sustain whatever it takes... How cruel and selfish this statement is!
I want the old you mak! Sumpah... Tak tipu...!!!!!

Back at home, Amir is one of those affected... He is now stationed at SIL's place after school. Tonite he's at another SIL's place. Hubby has to attend to an urgent meeting.... and I am here looking after his granny. Pitty him... Looks like everything goes a bit haywire. How I wish if I could be in 2 places at one time!

Trying very hard to divide my time between  - mum, family, hubby, amir, work.... arrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....   pretending everything is manageable and under controlled... when in true fact I am fighting and drowning inside?


Sharing your thoughts anyone?