This morning at the airport, I noticed that not everyone really cared to wear the face mask. Even though we were given a face mask each, I could only wear it for not less that 20 minutes! Yeah everyone is talking about this h1n1. Bukan tak takut. The fear is there.... but I am so rimas wearing the face mask. Only En Raman yang 'maintain' wearing the mask sampai boarding. As usual the flight was delayed again. Nearly 2 hours!
Tiada 'pemandangan' yang istimewa atau 'pelik' yang dapat saya rakamkan ketika menunggu saat untuk menaiki kapal terbang. Semuanya seperti biasa sehinggakan penumpang2 yang lain kelihatan biasa sahaja ...(this applies to the flight delay as well.... haiyaa this has been a norm already. Can't the carrier do sumthin' bout this...)
We arrived SBW at 2.05 pm. Upon swithching the HP, boss noticed that there were so many missed calls from the Ministry's office. I didnt feel good hearing this. Called the SUS and passed to Boss. There you go! It happened ... again! This was my second experience. M*2 could not make it. I told myself why musn't this happened when we were still at LCCT, the flight was delayed... nearly 2 hours.... why must this happened when we just landed...not even crossing the immigration point at the airport!!! I was in the state of denial..
We were then informed that TM*1` will be replacing M*2 (I sighed with a relief). We then proceeded to check in to the hotel. The 'relief' could only stand for less than 2 hours when we were then told that TM*1 pun tak boleh datang. At that point of time I heard so many calls answered by boss. It seemed that the Ministry's ofc was trying their best to get a replacement. In short, after talking to CE1, answering calls, replying smses, the event was finally called off at the very last minute.... after all preparation has been done... after all arrangements have been put in placed... arghhhhhhhhhhhh....
Last 2 weeks when were informed that the Minister has agreed to 'mencemar duli' to Song, we were happy and thankful. All preparations, approval papers on budget, media arrangement were our priorities. Other work loads were set aside as this function was said to be more critical. 'Special attention' was given to this 'project'. Suppliers were called to undertake certain last minute jobs. People in KCW, Sbw and Song under Mr T**'s supervision have been working around the clock to ensure that the function will run smoothly. Even though 2 days before that, there were couple of 'unforeseen issues' from outsiders, we managed to stand for B**.
I met Kak Nor, Anarita and Mimi from Kuching at Cafe Nur Islamic just opposite RH Hotel. They were then informed on the postponement. I could feel their hard work wasted... can see from their face and their eyes... We cannot do anything... this is beyond our jurisdiction ... I know they have been looking fwd for this event... as for me and the rest of us we just want to get it over and done! Tutup buku and move forward!
After the discussion had with the Kcw girls on teh postponement.
I think boss has been trying her very best to ensure that this function is well managed. She even mentioned in her blog that hopefully this would be her last travel to Song. Well guess it's not Boss. Looks like we are coming again.
Not only that ... by managing the event well, we ensure that our KPI is tip top. I tried to get the media to come... to the extend getting them sponsored.. to ensure my KPI is in good hands.... Kama had to see a supplier last nite to collect the signing plaque, sending the invitation cards also to 'jaga; his KPI... En Raman kena usung kamera sana sini pun apart from designing the promo tools sebab nak make sure that by end of the year KPI tercapai. But when our efforts were just 'wasted' by a simple phone call on 'postponement' whose KPI is it anyway? A point to ponder huh?
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