Saturday, July 31, 2010

I still need you..

I thought I saw him opened the door and walked into the room. I woke up and looked after him in his 'cave' - his favourite room where he spent most of his time reading, calculating and writing... But he wasn't there. I opened the window, there was no sig of his car... It was 2.30 am...

I was waken up by a phone call from him. It was 3.25am.. "Yang .... I accident ... kat Jln Tun Razak"...
Speechless.. the only thing that I asked "Are u okay?".

I couldn't sleep .. my heart was pumping and wanted to fetch him but luckily a cousin was around and setteld everything... Went and fetched him at Pusrawi 2 hours after that... I saw wounds and lacerations on some parts of his body. Few stitches on his forehead. He looked so blur and confused...

The car was totally a wreck! He was given another 'life' ...
To my bloved husband... I'm glad ... and I really mean it... that you are okay...
I dont think I can afford to lose someone like you now...and forever long as I live ...

WTY 1873 ...after the accident...

Baru sebulan monthly instalment ... whoaaaaaa.....

Both airbags were functioning...due the impact. The interior ....after the accident
Blood stains...
The driver.... perhaps thinking how did it happen...
God knows what was he thinking ..... hahaha...


  1. Pity you and mat ropiq sis ... Banyak kan sabar. Kereta boleh repair. Lucky my only bro in law tu tak apa2. Luv him too ... :-)

  2. Heard you guys are getting a new car? Betul ke?

  3. Well...there is always a blessing in disguise...
    Yup kereta boleh repair...
    Getting a new car? Not at the moment... but who knows kalau rezeki turun from the langit....
    One thing for sure after the incident our love bonding is stonger than before... hahaha... I'm in love again ... with him...
    Ayo dunno what's happening to both of us... but I likee....

  4. kak arida...terkezut nyer i.alhamdulillah smua nyer selamat.kereta tak penting.yang penting abe ropik mu selamat.miss u so much!!!!!


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