Saturday, July 24, 2010

Malang tak berbau?

Betul kata orang... malang tak berbau... Kalau kita boleh bau/hidu, of coz dapat dielakkan.
This is not about me ... but apparently about my dad.
Last Sunday, genap sebulan he got his right eye cataract removed. The doc, even mum and all of us advised him not to be as 'active' as before. Well... being an ex army and who can't really sit the whole day, he often broke the rules... by doing all sort of things ...
He fractured his right hand wrist...

Mak : apa dah jadi ni?
Abah : Ntah... tak nampak ada satu lagi step... ingatkan pijak tanah... rupanya pijak angin
Mak : Apa buat kat bawah tu?
Abah : Tebang pokok pisang tu... abis pisang kat bawah tu camner? saya dah tertingga kat bawah...
Mak : Dah jatuh camni pun ingat pokok pisang la... buah pisang la... dah dah dah... biar budak-budak tu kang ambik..

Kebetulan, the next day, it was my turn to send him to do his follow up check up with Dr Saras on his eyes at TONEH. Mesti orang ingat dia salah hospital... Tangan bersimen...tapi ada kat hospital mata!!!

Apa- apa pun, Amir paling kecoh..

Amir : Abah... abah... atok jatuh tadi. Tapi atuk tak nangis
Abah : Ye ke? Camner atuk jatuh?
Amir : Dia main kat bawah tadi lepas tu dia jatuh...
Amir : Abah.. atuk ada tangan baru..
Abah : Tangan baru macamana?
Amir : TAngan atuk keras... warna putih ...

I have the feeling that mesti abah ni tak senang duduk. 2 Aug pergi check up balik. Hopefuly he will recover soon. Pity him....
And now, I have to drive Oya every morning to school. Mum has to drive the car. Sib baik boleh bawak kete... manual plak tu...

But mum told me when she went to the market with dad (dgn tangan bersimen)... dad is just like a celebrity...
Everyone kat pasar tu tak kira Melayu ke, Cina ke, India ke, Indon ke ... toke ikan, toke daging, toke ayam, orang mesin kelapa semua tanya dia ..... hahahaa.... Hope that will cheer him up...!

psttt... tak sabar rasanya nak tulis kat tangan simen abah " You jump, I jump"... Get well soon Dad, We love you!!


  1. so, abah u camne skarang.kesian nyer nak raya nie, macam2 jadi nyer

  2. Dah ok... simen dah bukak. boleh drive dah tapi still weak l... cnt really do kerja berat...


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