Saturday, December 26, 2015
Weak i am.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Pagi JUmAaT
Kalau dulu bila mak masih ada, bila teringat kat mak tak kira la kat ofc ke kat umah ke senang aje. Pegi je umah mak or paling tidak call aje mak.
That FINAL GoodBYe
But one thing for sure I miss you Mak. Though orang kata yang patah, tumbuh, yang hilang berganti... But not for you MAK.
I am writing this as this would be the best down memory lane that Jo, Ed and myself had with you.
Seeing a person with cancer live and end her life is something that cant be described in words. A reminder to myself as well.
Tiga tahun lepas, masa mula2 mak di diagnosed ada cervical cancer, it was a shock to everyone esp arwah abah. But at that time Mak was very strong. She went thru all those painful stages. I saw her went thru all the emotional roller coaster ... when she was in pain, when she was emotionally down, when she cried, when she was in the state of confusion, when she missed abah. All that made her a stronger person inside and outside.
I 'saw' her back on her feet again after the chemo and RT. Well, it was not easy for a woman at her age. But the big C to certain extend has 'crippled' her life ... her movement was a bit limited and she was not as energized as before. But this did not affect her duties as a loyal wife, a caring mak and a good granny.
But abah's passing a year ago dented her life emotionally. She looked strong outside but I knew that she cried deep inside her. She was at her best and good health only for perhaps 5 months when she started complained of her unbearable nerves pain.
Then it all started again. After 3 years, the Big C attacked her for the second time and this time it was not good.. Not good at all. Mak keluar masuk hospital since July. As usual, me and my bold actions at times... Aku beranikan diri tanya Doc what was wrong with mak when she was finally strolled to Oncology ward. As expected (but I was in denial for quite some time)... mak dah stage 4. Tumor dah spread to spine. Doc cakap mak hanya ada 3 bulan je. 3 bulan!!
And then it all began.
Keadaan mak sepanjang bulan Ogos hingga November memang meruntun jiwa.
The first one and half month, mak masih boleh ketawa, joke around, makan and minum. Cuma pergerakan agak terbatas. Mak dah permanently on wheel chair again. I could see that at times she fought. But this time round she slowly surrendered.
Sejak abah takde, Ed la yang duduk umah mak and jaga mak. Aku ngn Jo dtg masa weekend and cuti.
HUKM Doc pun dah arranged nurse dari HOSPIS datang untuk check keadaan mak. Banyak tips dan nasihat diberi macamana nak monitor keadaan mak.
As expected, at her stage, mak makin sakit... zero improvement. Kalau mak nak makan pun dah cukup bahagia aku adik beradik. 'That shows the cancer is spreading very fast" kata Sharon, the Filipino nurse yang datang from HOSPIS. Dosage morfin mak di increased kan. Aku adik bradik pun dah hafal apa jenis morfin yang mak ambik.. ada oxynorm ada oxycontine....Ada yang kena consumed by hourly and ada yang kena consumed bila rasa sakit. Masuk bulan kedua sakit mak makin memuncak. Dosage dinaikkan lagi sampai mak pun dah tak lalu nak telan ubat. We knew that sometimes she didn't swallow the capsule at all. Kadang2 terjumpa kat tepi katil ke.. celah bantal ke. Nampak sangat masa tu Mak macam dah lost hope.
Kalau dulu bila sakit mak akan cakap dia sakit. Tapi masa tu mak tak larat dah kot. Mak dah mula kurang cakap. Kurang makan... tp masih lagi minum susu. Sharon pun dah kerap datang. That indicated how serious mak's condition was.
Bila mak dah tak larat nak telan ubat, Sharon bagi morfin thru patch kat badan mak je. The morfin ran thru her blood vessel. Patch morfin will be replaced once in 3 days. On patch morfin, sekejap je mak ok. Pastu mak sakit balik. Kali ni every time sakit mak akan mengaji, ucapan allahuakbar , astaghfirullahal azim sentiasa di bibir mak. Then patch morfin di increased kan jugak dan ditambah dengan morfin thru injection.
Paling menyedihkan bagi aku bila bab nak bersihkan mak setiap pagi. Ros akan datang tiap pagi untuk bersihkan mak. Kalau aku cuti dan during weekend aku take over. Masa tu la mak akan menahan kesakitan kadang2 sampai keluar air mata dia. Kalau ikutkan perasaan memang aku pun tak tertanggung dengar rintihan mak. At this point semua nerves mak sakit. Tak boleh tersentuh dia akan mengerang kesakitan.
Alhamdulillah aku dapat cuti di minggu terakhir mak. Aku pun masa tu dapat rasakan sesuatu yang tak kena.
Lepas cuti Deepavali aku cuti lagi. Kali ni mak dah terlampau kurang cakap. Respons yang amat kurang. Cuma angguk atau geleng aje. Suara mak pun antara dengar dan tak aje. Bila tidur ngan mak malam2 , mak akan terjaga setiap satu jam. Dengan suara yang lemah mak akan menyebut Alahuakbar dan Astaghfirulahalazim tak henti2. Bila saat mak sakit camni aku bacakan yaasin utk mak..most of the time aku yang banyak broke down dan ambik masa nak habiskan yaasin sebab tak sanggup tgk keadaan mak.
Dua hari tido ngan mak, aku banyak bercakap ngn mak walaupun mak tak bercakap ngn aku. Aku bisik kat telinga mak, mak kenal ke sape ni? Mak angguk perlahan sambil sebut nama aku ...
Masa ni dah ramai kaum famili yang datang tengok mak. Mana yg kenal rapat ngn mak mesti menahan sebak dan kluar dari bilik mak dengan mata merah.
Masa aku jaga mak, satu pagi (Khamis) mak panggil aku...mak sebut nama aku .... haus katanya. Aku bagi mak minum. That was the last time aku bagi mak minum. Sebab hari Jumaat malam mak dah semi unconscious. Sabtu dan Ahad mak macam tu gak. Mak dah tak bersuara. Bila pegang badan pun, mak dah tak bagi respon yang dia sakit.
Hari Isnin, masa aku datang pagi tu.. macam biasa Ros ada untuk tolong bersihkan mak. We changed everything. Kali ni agak senang sbb maybe mak dah tak berapa sedar. Lps bersihkan mak aku sedekahkan yaasin.
Ada sedara yag datang melawat semua nasihat jangan tinggalkan mak sesorang. Memang aku ada je kat seblah mak. Tghari tu aku sempat suh Amir cium mak sbb nak pegi skolah. Lps hntr Amir terus balik.
Dalam kul 3 ptg Sharon datang. Seeing mak, she said mak was not in good condition. Ada rattling sound on her breathing. She said that was nothing actually. She gave meds so that mak tak produce saliva. She couldn't find mak's pulse. BP dua kali baru dapat reading. Sharon looked at me and told me "if like this, only a few hours left". I dismissed Sharon's prediction. by 330 pm Sharon left.
Masuk Asar aku sembahyang and sedekah yaasin sekali lg untuk mak. Then I had my 'last' conversation with mak. 'Mak kitorang redha mak. Semua orang dah maafkan mak. Mak jangan risau. Ida, Jo Ed semua menantu dan cucu cucu mak semua akan OK. Tak sanggup tengok mak sakit camni". Finally mak bukak mata. Tp her pupils were not moving. Cuma blinking sesekali. Mak macam nak cakap something tapi riak muka mak macam menahan sedih dan menangis. Aku menangis teresak2 kat sisi mak sambil pegang tangan mak. Tinah keluar tinggalkan aku ngn mak masa tu.
Aku cium tangan mak. Dah berkali2 aku mintak maaf ngan mak. Kali ni aku mintak maaf lagi ngan mak...
Finally, at 550pm on Monday Mak menghembuskan nafas akhirnya. semua terjadi depan mata aku. Sempat aku, Ed, Ros dan Ju bisik kat telinga mak dua kalimah shahadah. Masya allah. Ketika itu jugak aku pegang tangan mak. cium dahi mak..peluk mak...
Jo and Oya sempat tatap mak sampai denyut nadi mak yang terakhir dan hilang dengan perlahan2.
Aku jadi kaku ... lost... tak tau nak buat apa...seketika. Rasa macam jiwa aku melayang skejap. Ros usap belakang aku comforting me.
Mak sah meninggal kan aku Jo dan Ed tepat jam 550 ptg. AllahuaKbarrrrr.....
Innalillahiwaiinailaihi rojiunnn.
Mak selamat disemadikan di Tanah Perkuburan Sg Kantan - 17 Nov. As the only daughter, i took the opportunity to mandikan mak dan pakaikan pakaian akhir mak sebelum disemadikan. Masya Allah, mak disemadikan bersebelahan dengan arwah abah. Alhamdulilahh... Semuanya selesai dalam pukul 10.00 am.
Tiap kali masuk bilik mak, mesti nak pandang katil mak. Tp kosong. Yg tinggal cuma bantal mak.
Esok tu, aku kemas almari mak. Susun semua pampers dalam almari. Ed kata nak sedekahkan aje kat Sharon biar dia bagi kat mana-mana patient lain. Ubat2 morfin mak masih banyak pun nak pulangkan Sharon balik. Masa lipat baju dan kain mak. setiap kain dan baju tu aku cium dan tarik nafas sedalam-dalamnya. Rasa macam taknk hilang bau mak...
Jo dan Ed bukak reclining katil mak and terus simpan dalam stor. Bilik mak dah tersusun macam sebelum ni... macam mak ngan abah masih ada. Mungkin Ed dan Ju paling terasa sebab setahun jugak ddk dan jaga mak permanently. Dan Ros yang tiap pagi akan datang bersihkan Mak.
Apa lagi aku adik beradik yang dilahirkan oleh Mak... yang dibesarkan oleh Mak..
Takde apa yang nak diungkapkan saat macam ni.
Cuma aku berterima kasih pada suami, adik beradik dan ipar2 yang memahami keadaan mak.
Tak lupa juga Bos no 1 dan Queen yang memahami.
Team aku yang banyak beri moral support kat aku.
dan Sharon and Intan from HOSPIS yang tak jemu-jemu bagi tips, advice dan nasihat.
Sesungguhnya aku adik beradik dah cuba bagi yang trbaik utk mak.
Semoga mak aman di sana.
The most painful day in my life...selepas abah pergi 1 Oct 2014.
If were given choice, I would follow you Mak..Abah...
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
10 nov 2015
Sunday, November 8, 2015
YaaSin untuk Emak
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Aku ke BOLa?
Di sisa kehidupan mu
Friday, November 6, 2015
From KK with love
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Haze in Me
I know mak has been asking about me from our helper Tinah. It has been twice. Last week when I was on leave and took care of her, she asked Tinah was I on leave? Didn't I have work at the office? ...
Yesterday when I cleaned her she didn't say anything except looking at me. At the kitchen, Tinah told me mak was asking about me yesterday ...
I took the lazy chair inside her room and sit beside her. She was fast asleep. I could see that the sore that she had on some parts of her legs are getting better. Thanks to my SILs Ros and Ju who have also been taking care of her. Tried to read some books but perhaps the tiredness inside me put me to sleep as well. I dreamt of mak actually. She could get up and talked to me. It was something that we really hoped for.
But I knew it was merely a dream when I was woke up by Azam. For lunch, I fed mak porridge. She ate... Ed said she has not been eating for a while. Kalau makan pun sesuap dua. Looked she was enjoying her food. Perhaps she wanted me, her only daughter to feed her. Yeah maybe.... After eating I checked her condition. Hold her hands...
After a while she looked restless. Asked her why. She didn't reply except looking at me with tears at the edge of her eyes. She started reciting surah...that indicated she was in pain. I hold her hands again. Stroked her hair hoping that would calmed her down. She kept on reciting...sometimes louder sometimes deep in between her voice. I hold her in my arms while she looked straight and sometimes closed her eyes. I couldn't look at her eyes. I looked down crying with tears falling to the floor. I was sobbing hard while she kept on reciting and reciting and reciting. When she stopped I took her instant pain reliever. It was not that easy nowadays to get her to take her meds. After dealing with some persuasion she did swallow the capsule. It was about 20 mins later she went asleep.
At 230 Ed changed her patch meds. She then was asleep until I left for home.
Feel like zombified. I googled a lot after that though I used to do that before checking and matching her conditions with the info that I gathered on the net. The symptoms are here and there. Mak is fighting inside I guess. At times she surrendered at times she won. The big C continues attacking. She knew that long time ago.
I think my siblings and I are quite ready for the day to come. But I bet none of us are ever ready to lose her for good.
We just hope ...God please ease her pain. That's all that we ever wanted. Let her go in peace and pain free.
Looks like the haze is finally gone but the haze inside me still lingers...
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Be a Fighter
No more appointment for her
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Nursing MaK
Friday, October 16, 2015
New look does matter
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Hijrah yang abadi
Saturday, October 3, 2015
What to expect?
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Hukm 4 sept 2015
Monday, August 24, 2015
More TiMe with Her
I promised myself to spend more time with her. Trying my best. Spent a night with her. Tho oya was around i just wanna make sure that i hold her, soaped her, stroked her and hold her hands.
I wept everytime she closed her eyes. Just to make sure that she didnt notice these tears. Just wanna make sure that i look okay and strong even tho my emotion is shattering.
Some relatives who knew abt her condition started to visit. She looked tired but still tried to hide her emotions. Her eyes watered once when she spoke on abah. I looked away..didnt sure as to whether i shd look to her eyes.
This morning after cleaning her up with oya..we talked. Just want to have as many as mum n daughter talks before the time comes to an end. We laughed. I held her hands.
She had a request actually. Wanted to see her sisters. She had tiny tears at the edge of both eyes.
Ok i will. Told her that. Guarantee her that i will get my aunties; her sisters come and visit soon.
Spoke to achik. Hearing her voice i couldnt control my tears. It was a few second pause..and perhaps wht achik heard was my sobbing.
This is sad.
I still dont know what to expect.
But m becoming to redha...
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Have been having sleepless nights lately. After almost a year i thot indreamt of abah and azmin both together last week.
Went to see mak dis morning. Semlm mak balik tapi tak sempat nak jenguk sbb sampai umah pun dah nak kul 11 malam.
Occupying myself with office works has always been an excuse to divert my thinking to stray from mak' s condition. Its not a sin... but its a matter of being positive and on top of situation.
Dont know what to expect!
I am just feeling lost.