CTM was the second Malay theatre that I watched. The first was "Si Tenggang" staged at DBKL Hall... maybe 10 -12 years back.... The heroin was Ramlah Ram... hehehe... Masa gi London, ada gak watched theatre - 1- Footloose and 2- We Will Rock You. Memang la gempak tengok yang kat London ni... and memang berbaloi. Tapi bila convert pounds to Malaysian Ringgit, memang beratus la duit abis... But it was the experience that counts right?
CTM was really good. Thumbs up and pat to the shoulders to all involved especially the main casts. I like the roles played by Awie and Adibah Nor. Tak sangka Awie boleh berlakon teater. Disebabkan we all duduk kat the second row, memang la teramat dekat dengan stage and can see very the clear one... Meremang bulu roma bila dengar suara Awie. Frankly memang puas hati... tak rugi spent the nite with my crazy colleagues like Jiji, Kama, Sally and hubby and En Raman. ... memang I poyo bak kata Kama... hahahaha...
CTM finished dalam kul 12.00 malam. Memang abis ajer terus blah... Disebabkan kepoyoan yang terlampau memang satu gambar pun takder..... Dalam kete hubby called " You tido kat IB ke malam ni"... jokingly... I drove home with a big smile.
Hope to do this more often....
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