Monday, October 19, 2009

Ini kereta penyelia Ariffin

Last week I spent a lot on parking fees. When Syawal is at the end of the corner, ramai yang buat open house. That was not inclusive of the TE to all those venues and eating places... but its considered as official ye... 'Socialising' is one of our tasks.

I still remember when I was still schooling (perhaps more than 20 years ago ... (how time flies!) my mum used to drive me to school - Convent Sentul. Kebetulan, my mum was also teaching in the same school. So every evening, it was a 'ritual' to first fetched my dad before drove back to Kajang. My dad was a former parking superintendent with the City Hall. Dulu mana ada the machines where we insert coins to pay the parking fees. So my dad had his own task force who did the rounds and write the parking tickets.

There were times when my parents left me in the car alone.... and usually the car was parked not within the 'designated parking area'. What my dad did was placed a note that read "Ini kereta penyelia Ariffin"... So whenever a parking attendant did his round, he would just stared at the 'notice' placed on the wind screen and left without leaving any ticket. No one dared to ask me who would most probably at that time tengah tido kat dalam kereta... hahahha. Serious, even the City Hall or police traffic tak saman or fine my dad's car...

But that was way back before..... Sekarang ni dah tak laku dah.... I wonder if my dad still remember this...

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