Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sorry GARUDA.. Its OURS!

The moment I write this entry, the Tiger team has just won the football SEA Games.... (poor Garuda!!!!)
Congratulations to all Malaysians.... Hubby was not at home ..and Amir has fallen asleep.
Managed to sms hubby on the victory.. and this was what he replied : yuhooooooo.... padan muka Indon: Wow.... that's too much ... but who cares anyway... Yuhooooo!!!!!! I agree with you mr hubby.... lol!!!

I am not a football fanatic now compared to those good old days when I was in my primary school. Those stars like Super Mokh, Santokh Singh, Soh Chin Aun, Arumugam were my favourites and I adored them like crazy... Players like Fandy Ahmad (a Singaporean), (unfortunately that is the only name that I could recall now) would made me glued infront of the TV... not really to watch the game and his tactics but I believe it was more towards adoring his looks.  Well that was many years ago... when one of my ambitions was to be a successful athlete. Kenapa? Tak percaya???

My 2 cents worth...
Those veteran athletes - I think they really played for the nation and the country ... and not so much for the money. Perhaps things change positively and we can see that nowadays outstanding players can cari makan easily if they are committed and plan their career wisely. They are well paid (perhaps better than what I am earning now) and for those who are really good, they are hunted and offerred with superb benefits and perks! How time flies...... Even some of these players are becoming celebrities... not only their popularity is at par or better than some hot actress/actors in town ...but they even tied knots with film stars... Some of them ... their lives have been widely commercialized...

But if we were to compare now and before, I think we have better athletes before than what we have now. Sometimes I wonder if we can have the juniors to run as cool and as confident as Saik Oik Kum, sprint as fast as Rabuan Pit and Marina Chin and all rounders like Hanafiah Nasir and Zaiton Othman, the bionic woman...

Countries like Thailand, I bet they have the replacements for Anat Ratanapol, Sumith Promna, Suchart .... and Philippines must have gotten the new lady sprinter to replace Lydia De Vega...

All of a sudden, I think I should have pursued my dream to be an athlete.... if only I can turn back the clock! hahahaha...

But whatever it is..... Tabik spring to all the players who roared and jumped  like tigers... You boyz rocks!!!

To the Garudas... sorry boys .. tonite is OURS!! go and fly kites....!!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Dear Hubby..

Congratulations to both of us.  15th years of sharing happiness and sorrow, spending quality and 'not so quality' time together and etc has made both of us a better person/couple I guess.

Yeah we did encounter all sort of problems that sometimes put our relationship maybe at stake..but we managed to reach to a point where we make up, forgive and maybe forget. I have to say that I wanted to forget certain things.. but I have to tell the truth, I can't.. and I am still trying! (that's life ... sighhh)

And it takes both of us to make this 'partnership' survives and lasts. I would say, that is the rule every couple should have in order to survive in a marriage. True enough, its not that easy to practise.. It takes courage, sacrifice, patience and not forgetting the love for each other.

Dearest Hubby, even though our marriage was once at a  'critical juncture', I am glad that we've made a wise decision. Its not that easy. It hurts both of us like hell (at first). But I believe we are now a matured and sensible happy couple ...  We understand each other better now...and hope it will continue till the rest of our lives.

To my other half... yes... I still love you as much as I love you ..the first time we met.. :)
I know this is not easy for both of us. But alhamdulillah we sailed through for 15 solid years.
Thank you for the love, care and whatever the package is...
Happy 15th Anniversary..  and lets look forward for more exciting years ahead!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Kedai Cucur Udang, tauhu goreng...

I was talking to my SIL on my favourite food yesterday. Well that is one of our 'must talk' topics when we meet up. Something that we share in common. According to my dad, when you eat good (sedap) food, it makes your day. Well.. I think it is true to certain extend...what more if the food is your favourite.

Talking about food, I think the venue is not really an issue. We, Malaysians really go for the taste of the food. Venue is secondary! As long as you're comfortable, fast and good service offered, that is an excellent to me!
15 years ago, I used to have my lunch and frequented a small decent shop at Semenyih - where they sell tauhu, cucur udang, nasi ayam and kerang rebus... I can feel them all in my throat now... hehehhe...The shop was ran (and still) by a Malay family. From the cashier, to the chef and the waiter/waitress - they have family ties.

The shop, I could say is never stopped from receiving customers. Every now and then people from all walks of life and from all races enjoy the food served. But in order to secure a table (if you dine in), you have to be fast... Full House all the times. When you get yourself a table, you have to order the food on your own. I took time to familiarize myself with this "dine in rule". Failing which, you can merely get yourself drinks ..and that depends if the waiter/waitress stop by at your table!

But I guess, the food served is the sole catch! So no matter what happen, be it rain, be it weekends, you can see layers of people queuing and standing.

The tauhu goreng and cucur udang is superb! The sambal is yummylicious...And I think Semenyih is famous due to this shop...

I have never had the opportunity to go makan at this shop after I left practicing. I can only go there on weekends. Last 2 weeks we planned to have our lunch there. To my expectation the scenario is still the same. The 'dine in rule" is still enforceable and valid. I secured a table. Waited for a waiter to take orders on our drinks. I went to a counter where a lady kept on on cutting the tauhu and cucur udang into pieces. Before I approached her, there was a man standing in front of me queuing for order. "Dah habis".... the lady said.. without looking at us. I know that lady... She was in her teen maybe...when I first came to the shop and she was the cashier and still the cashier... (how time flies... !!)

We left the shop...On the way back I told my other half ... the owner never changed at all. When I frequented the shop, I think the owner has already ran the business for quite some years. And it has been more than 20 years... the shop is still the same... the service is still the same....you have to rush for your own orders ... the only thing that they maintain is the taste of the food!

I believe if the same opportunity is given to a Chinese man... he might have built a chain of family business... offering good food with superb customer service. I ask myself what is in the mind of that Malay man for not even do an extension of his shop (that equals to having more tables to serve more customers). What is so freaking difficult to do that! The business has been running for years...and layers and layers of people keep on buying / having food and there's no improvement at all????

I told my other half, if I were to be the owner, I might have chains of restaurant... I might have diversified my business... Its just that I don't have the  opportunity...

"That's the difference between Malay businessman and Chinese businessman" - an answer from my other half. I tried to rationale the situation and giving the owner of the shop couple of scenarios...analyzing his inability to grow the business...

If the Chinese is given this opportunity... they will grow and transform the business..
Again, this is not about being a Malay or Chinese.. this is about the ability and willingness to transform for good or remain stagnant to be complacent and in comfort zone..

In the end I couldn't find any significant and good reasons to defend the owner...
At this point of time I think the statement by my other half is VALID!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I received SMS from hubby ... Amir is down with fever and chicken pox. He sounded so panic that forced me to leave all tasks that I was focusing on and headed back home. While driving I couldn't get the incident happened 10 years back  out of my mind..... when we lost Azmin due to severe chicken pox! Some might  think that this is (losing someone due to chicken pox) is ridiculous. But that's the fact.

Reaching home, I rushed to get Amir and true enough it was chicken pox.. that small rashes were everywhere on his body. But knowing Amir, he was as talkative as usual even though I could see that he was trying to fight the uneasiness, the itchiness feeling that he had on his body.

There was only a couple and their daughter waiting for their turn when i reached the clinic. So it wasn't a long wait. Before reaching the clinic, I received smses from friends advising to give Amir air kelapa muda. Ada yang suh pergi jumpa Bomoh!!. Really appreciate that piece of advice.. I realised that even the Malays who are now "Western" believe in drinking the air kelapa muda!!!

The Dr's advice was simple and sweet! " No air kelapa muda... bath as usual....drink barley as its cooling and let your son play and be active..." My eagerness questioned him ... why no air kelapa muda ..ppl said when you drink air kelapa muda, the virus will come out... He laughed at me and asked me back... "Do u mean the virus has its stock in our body". Its merely our beliefs... Medically it has not been proven as such.... and  once you have caught with chicken pox, there is always a possibility that you will catch it again- its totally depending on our immunity system. His prescription - anti viral, calamine lotion and progesic (for fever). "That's it ?" I asked... He smiled with a nod and ensured that within 7 days everything will be fine.

I remembered when Azmin caught chicken pox... he bathed ... he took anti viral... and I am almost certain that he had that air kelapa muda as well. It was a combination of our community beliefs and modern medication...
Amir's Doc did mention when you drink air kelapa muda , no doubt all the virus will come out... but if one's immunity system is not that strong, it can cause death.
Amir is getting better.. I guess when it happens to a child, his/her antibody can really fight compared to those who caught this kinda virus when they are at a later stage. Even I myself had chicken pox when I was 34. And the pain was very unbearable....

Whatever it is - be it modern medication or our granny's beliefs and practice, Be it air kelapa muda or anti viral,  HE has the full right on us..
To late Azmin - though everyone in the family never stopped missing you every single day and night... we know HE Loves U more. Rest in Peace!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I found PEACE here

Labbaik Allah humma labbaik
Labbaik la sharika laka labbaik
Innal hamda
Laka walmulk
Laa sharika lak

It was 2005 when I was given the blessings to be part of those jamaah performing their Umrah..... an experience that I will never ever forget for the rest of my life. Frankly, I was at first not confident of myself. I had this fear ... fear of what would happen to me ... for some foolish things and actions..spoken or unspoken which I have done all those years...

My thoughts were lingering to the stories that I read everywhere ..on some people who were not themselves when they were at Mecca.... who were not able to perform any of the rukun...

But i must be crazy if I were to dismiss this golden opportunity offered to me. Together with parents and Oya (who was around 11 years old) we headed to Medina - the first point of the rukun.

I found Medina to be a very 'calm' place. ...We spent 2 nights and proceeded to Mecca - the moment that I waited with greatest fear inside me...

Medina - a photo that I managed to snap from my room.

I didnt realize that I wept before we left for Mecca...

All the way from Medina to Mecca (I totally forgot the duration of the journey) all jamaah was reciting the above verse. Our Mutawif was a young Indonesian guy. His Arabic was perfect. Since I learned Arabic during secondary school, I understood his conversation well. But I had a hard time to fluently communicate in that language.  Anyways I managed to assist those jamaah from Malaysia who had a tough time asking and seeking direction for toilets, mosque and etc. I did my bits - spoke in Arabic and asked the way... A pat on my back!!!

The moment I reached Mecca, I was as if playing hide and seek... peeping from far how does the Kaabah looks like. But the moment I saw the huge Kaabah with so many people of different colors, heights and countries surrounding, it was the most beautiful and quiet moment that I had in my life. All of a sudden, I felt so humble..an experience I couldn't express in words... Guess we have to be there and experience it our own..

Some pics taken. I almost forgot the name of the places. But we went to Bukit Uhud, Jabal Rahmah, Arafah and Taif.

HIra' Cave - The place where our Prophet hide himself ....
Bukit Uhud .... where Uhud War took place
Jabal Rahmah... They said if you are not married, Insyallah, you will find your soul mate... (unfortunately I was and still a wife to my beloved hubby :))
At Taif ... the coolest place in Mecca.
Outside the mosque in Mecca. I was caught by the police for snapping some pics. But managed to escape....:)
Medina... still missing this place...

On our way back, we stopped at Jeddah and visited the Mosque where they implement hudud punishment. Since it was not Friday, we missed the scene. I bet I am not that brave to watch the punishment anyway.

I wonder when I will be given the privilege to be one of the guests again here....
Managed to perform almost all prayers daily in the mosque. Did pray hard for myself and hubby and for the rest of my loved ones at prominent mustajab places ...

Now after 6 years, I can still smell the streets in Medina and Mecca, my bare hands can still feel the texture of Hajarul Aswad ... and I still have the endless hope to be there and reunite with all the experience left ...
Now after 6 years, I think I am a better person. I watched how some people changed for good...
What more... I have my lil Amir - HE answered my prayers well...
....and Happy Eid Adha to everyone!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Life is a complete CHALLENGE

As I grow older and 'wiser' I learn to accept things as they are. One part of me I try my best to be a better person everyday and another part of me pushing myself to overcome the challenges hurdling me.
Took a break for 2 days from the office works. Well, even though it was officially called a 'Break' but the 'chain' is always a dotted line. I am still working virtually.

Lately many challenges that I discovered will remain as it is ..... Its either you learn to accept and move forward or leave! That challenges are of coz consists of people around you - might be your Boss, colleagues, siblings, in-laws ...the list goes on and to list your other half is not an exception sometimes!

During my green days at work, I found that some Bosses were extremely difficult in so may ways.  But I survived because what matter was my drive to put this 'issue' aside and move  forward even though I was burning inside. Being young, vibrant and energetic I never pronounced this as one of my greatest challenges.

But as time flies, I am beginning to consider this issue and correlate it with poor leadership qualities. I am no leader as well but I think I learned a lot through hard ways. Where I am now equals to hardworking and an endless commitment. Fullstop! I earned through my own sweat and blood. Well sometimes its quite disheartening to see with your own naked eyes that some people are using whatever they have be it status, money, look and whatever that matters to be at the top! And in the end when this kind of people are at the top, they failed to look down! There goes the top leaders with no passion, limited creativity, pronouncing their powers at their own whim and fancy and etc, etc.

I am no longer as young as before but still I believe I am vibrant enough to move forward leaving this issue as another learning stage in my daily life. Meddling with it and hampering yourself to do forward thinking is a complete waste. Well... its a complete 'easier said than done' thingy actually. It demands sacrifices, patience and time consuming. Its a complete challenge.

I must be lying if I were to say that in some situations I don't feel like 'breaking the rules' and 'just do it'. I have never tried to respond and attack with the same strategy or fight fire with fire..perhaps this is a strategy that I might think of doing one fine day.

I hope i will remain positive in life. With all the happenings and news around you be it good or bad, it always has something to remind you. Its how you take it, process and implement. What matter most  - you love yourself, your family and most important is you love your life even though it's a complete challenge.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

How's your SUNDAY?

Was deprived of enjoying my Sundays for couple of weeks...

At home today.. even though it's Sunday.. need to settle few outstanding matters (job related ...again..)
Am working on this project with UNI students. The submissions have yet to be reviewed. But the participation looks very very encouraging this year. Surprisingly the no of submissions are the same with last year's. Trust that the quality is better as some of them have already make themselves familiar with the process and the requirements of the submissions. Hmmhhh... need to review soonest possible.

I think if this kinda project or challenge were to be introduced during my UNi days, I would be one of the regular participants. Frankly this project is very 'noble' - it helps the society or community to continuously sustain. Also, an avenue for the students to 'instil', 'unleash' and 'polish' their creativity skills, entrepreneurship skills and most important giving back to the community. (this sounds almost like a write up in the press release hahaha).

Oh! by the way one of the students (from the winning group last year) has just reported duty last week. She's been assisting me on this proposals listing. Young and vibrant, I hope she will survive and gain as many experience and knowledge as she can.

Hubby, as always is busy with the cars - washing, polishing and do his regular checks around the body of the cars whether there's any scratch or dent.. unintentionally done by his wife ..:) and if he found any, i have to listen to his nags almost a day!! Normally, I will just keep myself quiet or the most blame other drivers on the road!!

Amir, as usual will always with his Maths exercise books, puzzles, drawings and cartoons. He is very good in numbers. I always compare him with myself. I don't remember at all, myself at his age (5) diligently doing Maths exercises.. To watch him grows in front of my naked eyes is something valuable, sentimental and satisfying. Sending him to schools at 5 is really a good move! I should have sent him earlier, maybe at 4 but I have this kinda feeling that he might get bored. Amir is given 2 tasks i.e dancing and acting. Dancing - that Madagascar Song (Move It .. (I think!) and Acting as Baginda Masai - a scene in the film Nujum Pak Belalang - this is in line with the school concert with a theme ' The Memoirs of P. Ramlee'. So every now and then he will sometimes dance in front of the TV or act in front of the PC! I peeped from far just not to let him feels shy...

Later need to do some ironing. Lunch? Cook? No... not today..
We are going for a movie later today..
I leave it to hubby to pick which movie..
I think its not the movie that really matter to me ... its the quality time that we spend together
And for Amir, its not really on the movie as well (depending on what kinda movie actually)... he enjoys the popcorn more I guess... hahahhaa!

 Have an enjoyable and a restful weekend peeps!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Love U just the way U are.

For 2 days I (and few other) was 'educated' at our training centre in Bangi - for the Potential Leadership Program. This is just the beginning... Why I said 'educated' - all this while my mind was focusing on delivering tasks given. Like it or not the objective is to get things done..of coz within the specific period of time.
But this time round, i focused more on how to accept ppl just the way they are.

It was interesting to learn about ppl and of coz yourself. All this while perhaps or maybe almost all the time, I questioned some ppl's action without taking into consideration their personalities.

Now I know why my dad was once a pure choleric can be phlegmatic too....
and why my other half was once sanguine can change to melancholic...
Life is so beautiful..

Learning how to understand people is at times 'tiring'. But when we know their strength, we are able to effectively communicate with them....(with similar hope that other ppl will try to understand me too ... wink...wink...hehheeh)

I think i absorbed a lot during the program. Even though a bit tired and most of the times worried on the tasks left unattended at the office, still it was a fruitful and meaningful way of education.

Upon arriving home, I was greeted by  my lil' Amir. He took my stuff and 'forced' me to sit on the sofa. Within seconds he came back to me and handed over a glass of water. "Mak minum dulu ye"... he said with a smile..

I was touched.. (even when I was at his age (5 yrs) , I've never thought of doing the same thing to my parents!!).
Son, whether you are a sanguine, choleric, melancholic or phlegmatic, I LOVE U JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!  You Made My Day!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Defining my INNER Strength

This is actually a tagline for Putrajaya Night Marathon which was successfully handled on 15 Oct 2011. Well we were not the race organizer neither the event organizer... but being a title sponsor for the first time for such a big event was a 'nightmare'. With the big sponsored amount, we prayed hard (very) for the event to run smooth.

Launching another product on the same night simultaneously was at first frightened me. But alhamdulillah, everything went well as planned. Though we finished late almost 2.00 am (16 Oct 2011) but it was very satisfying.

Today, I attended the first briefing on a program - Potential Leaders Development Program. It takes 2 years to complete and I am not sure as to whether I should be proud of myself - as I was chosen along with other 41 candidates in the Bank.

"Its an avenue for me to define my inner strength' that was some bits of my points which was video taped last week. I said to myself this must be one of my 'poyoness' moments...

I hope I sailed thru this program.... deep in my heart, i should have attended such a program during my 'green' days... yup its an opportunity not to be missed...

I am excited to go thru this program but at the same time there are butterflies in my stomach.
The organizer gave each of us the book the longed to read ' A Doctor in the House' ..
I cracked a joke... i wanted to have that kinda book that speaks (highly - I must be kidding!!) on me ...maybe 'A comedian in the house' - and the contents are pictures of myself taken by others ... me with my bloopers - bloopers via emails, pictures of myself tergolek ... and perhaps pictures of my blause with sambal nasi lemak!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Need positive MANTRA

It has been months...
Workload is not an excuse but it is sometimes...

Have been keeping all the frustrations and anger inside.. trying so hard to keep it well inside.
Frustrations ... that sometimes makes you wanna yell out loud... but in the end you cool down..
Anger .... makes you wanna have confrontation ...but in the end you wiped out your tears...

Is that the strength that I cultivated thru all the hardships... or plainly blessing in disguise...
Think I should thank Allah for still giving me the strength...even though at times feel like quitting.
Quitting responsibilities? Exploring other opportunities?

I think I need positive mantra...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where is the ENERGY

I have been very very tired lately - a complete package - body, mind and soul.
Experiencing body ache every now and then..

At the office, try my very best not to procrastinate... things keep on coming in and piling up. Racing against time, tried delegating... .. but sometimes its not to my satisfaction and at the end of the day you would end up doing all over again. Be positive! Its another phase in my life.

At home, though its only myself and hubby, tried to be the diligent chef during weekends. But this sincere thoughts remain as it is. 2 days of rest equals to insufficiency of good rest and wanting for more!
Have to balance things out ..career, family, parents, friends... secret admirers!!

Feel like losing my energy... drain out. Could it be my age...? leading a monotonous life? wanting for more challenge (hmmhh... maybe...) or is it merely tired?

I am forcing myself ...driving and accelerating  my energy to the max...
Trying to absorb things happening around me positively...
I need a BREAK....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SOUL Attachment

A friend told me once - when a wife dies, the husband will follow suit couple of months after that. But when a husband dies, the wife can survive for couple of years..Closer to home, i think there is a truth in that statement. It happened to my grannies, my aunties and even my SIL! That is an informal statistics that indicates women are strong (not physically strong) than men !

I asked that friend of mine why is that so? (hubby can't survive after wifey left him for good). His answer was simple. "LOVE". That friend of mine said " I love my wife... I can't let her die before I die. I know if I were to be around when she gets sick or ill and bedridden, I will take good care of her until she dies..peacefully." I promised myself in whatever circumstances I will take good care of her. That's how deep my love is for her. And I know I will follow suit shortly after that as I couldnt live alone without having her beside me."  That was to me a 'declaration of love' from an elderly person (aged 55.. i guess - well, age doesnt matter when it comes to love!).

Obviously I was so touched and wept when he said that. We went on talking on how he defines LOVE. To him love is nothing more than respecting each other, being a loyal companion for each other be it during happiness and sorrows. "I can't sleep in my bedroom when she is not around... I would rather sleep on the couch in the living room with lights on". Its not about having that intimate relationship at this age...but it is the feeling of losing someone close to your heart. She is my soul atachment". Wow.. that's deep (i told myself).

Posted him some 'naughty' questions... did he ever falls for someone else during his entire marriage... Calmly he responded, "No, but I did admire some people..maybe because the way that ppl carried themselves. It had never been more than that. And I didnt have time for that as I had to work hard as the breadwinner of the family. And even if I were to be given a chance for that, I dont think it is wise for me to get myself into that kinda mess". I wonder if such a love exists... Maybe there is.. I am sure.

So what's your definition of love? I believe it varies depending on one's upbringing, education and surroundings. Sometimes love strucks when you are in 'difficult' situations.... even though you try to run, it chases after you. Perhaps, rationale and your true LOVE will show you the right way to take or choose. Sometimes, as human we get carried away. But if we hold fast to the rule of LOVE, we might see the light at the end of the tunnel. And sometimes it is God's testings (for the chosen ones) when our LOVE fail halfway ......teaching us to be a better person....

I think LOVE is so demanding nowadays. LOVE needs to be expressed ... (not in materialistic ways but we need to know if our loved ones have the same degree of LOVE towards us). But LOVE still lies in the eyes of the beholders...it is very subjective but qualitative.

The longer you spend your life with your partner, the more  'instinct' you have that would tell you on your partner's love for you.... so no words of love need to be uttered as you have found your soul attachment.
After all these years, I wonder if my marriage has reached that level of soul attachment....  still counting though...  dont wanna fail or perhaps fear to fail... something that i dont wanna imagine at all....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Life without a FATHER

Last week, I received  couple of SMSs from Oya which read "Anyah dah on the way balik ke?" And my reply was "yup and why". "Oya nak Anyah jadi guarantor for UITM punya form ni".. "Okay.. no problem" i replied back.

While driving home, my focus was on Oya... the first grandchild in the family. After her late father passed away (she was 9 at that time) she stayed with her grand parents- my parents. I couldn't figure out as to whether she misses her late father since she is a bit introvert when it comes to her 'personal' feelings. My mind is now narrowing to the moment when she was left unattended with a confused face on 29 March 2002, Ampang Putri Hospital - the day Azmin, my late brother breathed, the last time.

Yeah she was 9 and hardly knew (maybe) what was going on. She didnt cry at all... I found her little note book where she wrote down all the important phone numbers.. the list was on mine, the grand parents, my brothers and the name "Rumah Abah"... "Rumah Abah" was cancelled and replaced with "Rumah Arwah". I found this on the 3rd day kenduri tahlil...... I couldn't hold my tears then and even now....

She's grown now to be someone just like her late father (tall physically)...i tried so many times to 'talk' to her in other words to let her express her feelings.... I know life without someone to call a father is tough! Even though her uncles (my brothers) are around to offer her the love of a father, i think its not the same...
I could say that she was not that close to her mother (perhaps she was so attached with my parents since she was a baby). Their relationship is what I called as "formal mother daughter relationship" where my SIL will do the visits when it comes to festival celebrations and for school registration. Other than that, she belongs to us.

And i notice that living with grand parents have pros and cons..especially with a grand father who is over protective and hold fast to his beliefs (of coz with good intentions)  that he can "mould and control" Oya like he used to do on me when I was at Oya's age. Well there is a great difference between my time and Oya's ...which my father unintentionally failed to consider.  I strongly believe this is also a responsibility that he carries as a grandfather to his late son's daughter. And that has left Oya, a teenager with some discomfort at times... I sometimes received her SMSs at late nights voicing her unpleasant situations ... I pittied her but all I can do also as a mother to her...to calm her down and made her see what was wrong and what was right. 

I hope she will become an independent person and she is one now..She made her online  application for Uni alone... Without the love of a father, she managed to excel in her studies... yeah she did it...I knew how my parents felt on Oya's achievement. Its another jubilation of them both.

She is about to enrol in her Law studies in a week or two. I bid her all the best.... My parents will miss her a lot I guess despite all those naggings, complains and what not... Bringing up a girl is not that easy ..especially when technology is at its peak! I fear for her safety everyday... i think we in the family feel the same...

When she was 7, I still remembered my late brother's piece of words to her (which I think now is irrelevant...) "Abah frust ngan Oya... Abah hantar Oya pergi tuition, tapi Abah tak happy dengan results Oya"....
I was there during that moment and i think (now) at 7, she was as innocent as Amir who was playful all the times... hehhehe...

To Oya, congratulations... you did it... This is the beginning of everything..so hold on fast to the best principles of life...We love u and will always be there for you..

That reminds me Father's Day is just around the corner ....To my father, my beloved other half, brothers, friends and to all fathers out there... Happy Father's Day...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sweeten up your life..

The price of sugar rose again...
Looking at the positive side,  may contribute to the low sugar intake of the Malaysians...as per advised by the government and the ministry of health..
But do they have to increase the  price just for this sake?or like what has been widely mentioned..the government is pondering on subsidizing more on sugar.... hmmmhhhhhh.

I know that i am selfish if i were to say that i care less about the price increase of the sugar as one packet of sugar will last me almost 3 months!!! But that’s the truth...

But pity those families (who have to really work hard in order to ensure that their ends meet every month) ...how are they coping with this.... the increase might be small (20 cents)...but the hard work is more... God bless those families...

Not sure whether we can expect the same taste of teh tarik... (thick and sweet!!!) anymore... i overheard a news in the radio that the mamak association has decided not to increase the price of teh tarik.... (that is a "noble" contribution... hahahahah)... but is it with the same taste ah? Or less sweet...
(well my hubby is sugar conscious lately)... whenever we are at mamak, he used to ordered  "mamak ! teh tarik kurang manis!...  and he makes sure he ordered the same thing for me....

On top of that puasa is just around the corner... i bet many ppl will do their stock keeping .. for all the cakes and biscuits...
Last nite when we had dinner together, mum told me she had done her bits... stocking the sugar.... aiyo.... she is more advanced than me...ever ready all the times!
Whatever it is,  at what price the sugar is placed, it is good if we could put some control in our our sugar intake. It helps us in the long run... or to some ppl short term... (well I am talking about diabetic and the price that we have to pay for that!)

Less sweet, sweeten up your life!

Have a good day ahead peeps!

The Urge to write

The urge is still there... the only tool that allows me to share and express all moments in my life be it happinesss, anger, hatred, sorrow ....

It has been quite sometime that I might negligently left this blog of mine unattended... well.. maybe got carried away with other things in life.

Here i am again... writing the pieces and bits of my mind and my life...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Hope.

Lama rasanya tak blog! Bukan malas, in fact a lot to tell but the issue is always time... Looks like I am blaming the time again. Well that's the art of life... Sometimes people blame someone for a simple excuse..for not really want to be responsible and own up to the mistakes..

That's not what I want to write. Its already 2011. The last time I wrote was in September? Wow... that's toooo long... how time flies... thought it was just yesterday..hehehehe..

Tasks at the office have kept me occupied these of couple of months. New experiences were gained, new lessons learnt and new faces came into my life. Feel that I am blessed with all these invaluable moments.

I am hoping for new joy and happiness in 2011. Aiming for big chunk of bonus... (sighhh... how I wish....) and may Allah bless the whole family and friends with all the happiness, joy and of coz prosperity through out 2011.

Tomorrow is Amir's first day at Little Tot's ... my little boy has grown up... he is entering into a new life... meeting new friends... sedih plak rasanya.... hopefully esok, he will be okay... and I hope that I won't cry.... hahahahha...