Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My 2 cents (published in Bulletin Feb 2014)

Salam Peeps!

It was 6.45am in a cool  Wednesday morning , 12 Feb 2014,  when I received a whatsapp message from a colleague informing that someone whom I’ve known for a couple of years during my tenure with the Bank has left us… for good. While driving, the only word that I could utter was “Innalillahi Waiina rojiun… May You Rest in Peace Sis”.

Losing someone close to your heart is very disheartening… I believe every one of us will experience such a moment a couple of times in our lives. Even though we experienced it many times before, the feeling is still the same … bitter, sorrow and sadness encroaching us no matter how hard we try to hide the feelings, as if we want it to be one of those unwelcoming scary nightmares. But the fact is that the harder we try, the harder we couldn’t run away from those feelings..

Masih terbayang-bayang beberapa wajah yang saya kenali yang telah pun kembali ke rahmatullah. Ketentuan Ilahi tidak ada siapa yang dapat membendungnya. Tidak lambat atau cepat walaupun sesaat; sekiranya detik itu telah tiba. Orang kata ‘berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul”.. sesedih mana pun kita ketika mendapat perkhabaran pemergian rakan –rakan kita, tidak setanding kesedihan yang ditanggung oleh keluarga terdekat mereka.

Patah tumbuh hilang berganti - Tak semua yang tumbuh itu sama dengan yang lama. Tak semua yang baru itu sebagus dengan yang lama.  Each one of us is unique in our own very way. Yang penting di sini adalah kekuatan untuk  meneruskan kehidupan walaupun yang menanti di depan adalah ranjau dan duri yang bakal melukakan tetapi memberi pengalaman hidup yang paling berharga.

Talking about losing… I believe this also applies to losing friends and peers in the Bank.  As time goes by, we have different priorities in life. Differ in priorities might be one of the main reasons why some people took decisive stand to leave or move on.  There is no hard and fast rule as to whether this ‘regime’ is right or wrong. Leaving the current organization due to some glaring disciplinary or integrity issues are prima facie cases that equals to “please leave”. But when we have crème of the crème leaving the organization for good, this has always been an unacceptable move sometimes….at first (or perhaps depending on situation).  But to some extent, I believe warga BSN has been eyeing by other organizations out there. That shows we have caliber, we are dynamic and I would like to think that we are better than those people out there. Kudos everyone! On the same note, I refrain myself to touch on loyalty as I am of the opinion that this is something subjective and rebutable as one of the yardsticks to measure why some employees stay in and leave an organization.

Sometimes, unintentionally, we close one eye not to ever wanting to realize how important a person is until he/she leaves us. Well that’s life. It’s like a box of chocolates. We won’t know what will we get next… J.

My 2sen ….  Come on peeps! This is not the end of the world. People come and people go. That’s life… and that’s a norm. Whatever it takes live has to go on. We should stay focus; committed, not forgetting we have to be VIBRANT! Let’s strive towards giving the BEST to the Bank as at the end of the day, WE would benefit the MOST.

Note …… At the time I am writing this, the aircraft MH370 was reported went missing. Let’s pray for the passengers and the crews. #pray4MH370.


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